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do 28 nov

International Art Talent Festival 2024

This program has already taken place

The International Art Talent Festival is free to attend. Please reserve your ticket.

On Thursday, November 28, experience the most thought-provoking artworks and performances throughout the spaces of Felix Meritis. During the International Art Talent Festival, fifteen talented creators will present their work and development processes. These talents are part of the 3Package Deal 2024 from the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and the Bureau Broedplaatsen of the municipality of Amsterdam.

Join us at Felix Meritis on November 28 and be inspired, amazed, and moved by these talents.

Interdisciplinary, engaged, and playful

The fifteen 3Package Deal talents present innovative art with a focus on interdisciplinary work. For example, Jayliah van Gorkum (coalition Self-taught) creates theatre performances that combine music, dance, roller skating, and martial arts. In the work of these talents, you can recognize a particularly engaged voice. Fariborz Karimi (coalition Urban Realm) explores the concept of self-censorship in his work, inspired by his experiences with censorship in Iran and exoticism in Western Europe. And Denzel Veerkamp (coalition Fashion) expresses the collective pain of the Dutch-Surinamese history through his adventurous and playful creations. The International Art Talent Festival is curated by Jim van Geel in collaboration with producer Rafael Kozdron.

Amsterdam invests in talent

Every year, the 3Package Deal provides fifteen talents with a year of support for affordable living and working spaces, a development budget, coaching, and a network of renowned Amsterdam organizations and institutions. With the help of the 3Package Deal, these talents can fully focus on the next step in their practice, creating new work or conducting research. The artists come from countries including Iran, Beirut, the USA, and the Netherlands. This event will take place in all rooms of Felix Meritis.

Artists of the 2024
Film: Biserka Šuran  | Fashion: Denzel Veerkamp | Theatre: Lars Brinkman | Music: Reinier van Harten | Visual art I: Siwar Kraytem | Visual art II: Tewa Barnosa | Publishing/Performance: S*an D. Henry-Smith | Bio Art & Design: Noa Jansma | Urban Realm: Fariborz Karimi | Dance: Reza Mirabi| Engaged Art: Dina Mimi | Self-taught: Jayliah van Gorkum | Cabaret: Cheyenne Toney | Social Design: Thais di Marco | Interhistoricity: Guston Sondin-Kung

Please note: The International Art Talent Festival takes place throughout Felix Meritis. Specific rooms may be full during performances.